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Invest  the Tayyiban way…

Shariah Compliant

Moderate Risk

Social Responsibility

Explore Premier Shariah Compliant Investment Opportunities in South Africa with Tayyiban Fund

It is common in the Halaal market for people to use the term Halaal. However, a forgotten complementary quality of Halaal is Tayyib. The former implies compliance with fundamental Shariah parameters, while the latter goes beyond those fundamentals to invoke enhanced features that make something of the highest quality, pure and wholesome.

Therefore *Halalan Tayyiban* means the product is not only permissible to be consumed or used, but also pure and
beneficial to the consumer.


This is the most critical benefit for Muslim investors. Not only does Halal investment mean that Muslims can engage and involve themselves with global markets, it also means that Muslims partake in disciplined investment that requires ethical due diligence.

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Meet Our Expert Team

Fayyaz E Hathurani

Fayyaz E Hathurani

Committee Member – Tayyiban Fund

Matthew Lee

Matthew Lee

Board Member

Yaseen Valli

Yaseen Valli

Board Member

Don't Hesitate to Invest Now, We Will Give You The Best!

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